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Our authors

William Abela

Mr Abela has mined 30 years as a journalist interested in corporate affairs and behavior to produce a new genre of business thriller.

His next two titles - The Naked Man; The Mystery of Jesus, Lazarus and the Secret Gospel and Blood Money - are due for publication in 2016.

William’s career as a behind-the-scenes editor of business and corporate material, his contact with executives and a vivid imagination all contribute to exciting and challenging narratives.

His references to past scandals, contemporary politics and cultural tensions around the world give his writing a credibility and edge, adding to the excitement and tension facing his highly-credible characters.

Adam Christie

Adam has been a writer and journalist for most of his 30-year working life. He spent some time in health education and communications in the 1980s but returned to journalism after that.

He has worked for the BBC, the Yorkshire Post, and - if as a freelance he can afford it - he’d rather not work for quite a lot of other.

Adam says he has been too heavily involved with the National Union of Journalists for his own good. He is also a member of the Society of Authors.

He says he has reached a stage in his life where, despite being a news and television junkie he fears preferring ‘Grumpy Old …’ to News at Ten and an early night to nights on the town.

Astrid Klemz

After a career as a mobility officer for blind people in London in the 1950s, the late Astrid Klemz called on her experience, imagination, sense of the ridiculous and love of cats to produce two volumes of short stories.

Born in a coal mining community in the north east of England shortly before the outbreak of the Second World War, she moved south in the early 50s, producing text books for disability professionals and establishing herself as an expert witness supporting those who had lost their sight.

Astrid married academic Brian Klemz in 1965. Although they moved to Wells in Somerset after retiring, she never lost her love of the north east, becoming a regular columnist for the Sunderland Echo and a member of the National Union of Journalists. She was also a ferocious advocate of Cats Protection.

Her short stories recreate an unspoiled world of peaceful, ‘proper’ market town life, where everyone knows their place and innocence pervades although fairly forthright views expressed in her newspaper columns occasionally exasperated her readers.

After being diagnosed with breast cancer in 2006, Astrid died in October 2011, aged 72.