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EmOh books: Fiction

The Cat that Climbed Chimneys - and other tales feline and surreal

Astrid Klemz

ISBN 978-1-873031-55-1  (paperback)  978-1-873031-56-8 (Kindle)

Astrid Klemz's short stories recreate an unspoiled world of peaceful, 'proper' market town life in the England of the 1950s , where everyone knows their place and innocence pervades ....

However, her love for cats and her delight in the surreal add dimensions that bring a smile to the face.

Take a Letter; A celebration of correspondence - personal and professional

Adam Christie

ISBN 978–1–873031–xx-x  (paperback)  978–1–873031–45–2  (Kindle)

Can letters improve your health? Where is there a post office with walls made of straw? Where are letters delivered by mule train? How can changing 3.17 to 2.5 improve the way your letters are perceived? When do you write? Who do you write to? What do you say and how?

All these questions - and more - are discussed in Take A Letter.

Adam Christie celebrates aspects of letter-writing through the years - considering the role of letters and history, their importance for business and advocating a renaissance of more thoughtful and generous communication.

EmOhBooks: Non-fiction