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Privacy statement

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EmOhBooks only collects or store information provided by site visitors.
EmOhBooks may use Google Analytics to analyse site use. Google Analytics generates statistical and other information by using cookies on users' computers. This information is helps create usage reports. Google stores this information. Google's privacy policy is available here.

Personal information
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Information security
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By using this website, you acknowledge that internet information is inherently insecure. EmOhBooks cannot guarantee the security of data sent over the internet.

Policy amendments
EmOhBooks may update this privacy policy from time to time by posting a revisions here. Please check this page occasionally to note such changes.

User rights
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Other websites
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Updating information
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Queries about this policy and data retention should be sent to:
welcome @emohbooks.com</a>
or by post to:
Data Controller
PO Box HP346
Leeds LS6 1UL, UK.

The data controller is EmOhBooks.

The data protection registration number is Z1850143.

This document was created using an SEQ Legal template (which could have been written with less repetition and better grammar).